It has been found, experimentally, that for the grinding of coarse particles in which the increase in surface area per unit mass is relatively small, Kick's Law is a reasonable approximation. For the size reduction of fine powders, on the other hand, in which large areas of new surface are being created, Rittinger's Law fits
writing C R = K R f c, where f c is the crushing/compressive strength of the material, then the Rittinger's law: 퐸 = 퐾 푅? 푐 1 푥 2 − 1 푥 1 Rittinger's theory Rittinger's theory Applications:- Rittinger's for very small particle size (ultrafine grinding) Applicable to brittle materials undergoing fine milling . This theory ...
A type of animal-derived tissue is being ground in a bead mill to recover a pharmaceutical enzyme. It was estimated that 3000 Joules of energy was used to reduce the average particle size of the tissue from 1 mm to 0.5 mm. Predict the amount of energy needed to further reduce the particle to 0.1 mm. Assume that this grinding process follows (a) Rittinger's law, (b) Kick's law
Rittinger's law has been found to hold better for fine grinding, where a large increase in surface results. It suggests that the energy required is proportional to the increase in …
is called Rittinger's constant, and integrate the resulting form of eqn. (11.1), we obtain: E = K R f c (1/L 2 – 1/L 1) (11.3) Equation (11.3) is known as Rittinger's Law. As the specific surface of a particle (the surface area per unit mass) is proportional to 1/L, eqn. (11.3) postulates that the energy required to
specifically during grinding of peanuts in an ultra-high- ... According to Rittinger's law, the work required in . crushing is proportional to the new surface created. This .
Rittinger's law is applicable mainly to that part of the process where new surface is being created and holds most accurately for fine grinding where the increase in surface per unit mass of material is large. Kick's law, more closely relates to the energy required to effect elastic deformation before fracture occurs, and is more accurate than ...
View 3minution.ppt from METE 111 at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology. Comminution Rittinger's, Kick's and Bond's Laws Crushing and Grinding Variations of Particle
It may not be well known, but there are three physical laws that describe the energy required for size reduction.They are the Bond's Law, Rittinger's Law, and Kick's Law.Rittinger's Law — The energy required for reduction in particle size of a solid …
• The general grinding law was proposed as: (3.2) Where: E is grinding energy per unit mass, is the mean particle size, C and n are constants for a given material and mill. • When n = 1, 2 or 1.5, integration of equation (3.2) gives rise to Kick's law, Rittinger's Law, or Bond's law respectively.
Discusses the three laws of comminution, namely the Rittinger's law, the Kick's law and the Bond's law, and the general formulation by Walker et al. Also dis...
What is rittinger's law formula? Equation (11.3) is known as Rittinger's Law. As the specific surface of a particle, the surface area per unit mass, is proportional to 1/L, eqn. This is a very much smaller reduction, in terms of energy per unit mass for the smaller particles, than that predicted by …
In fine grinding range such as grinding of cement etc. Rittinger's law is applicable. The slope of the curve would be approximately-1, 71 100 0 100 UO 0 Cr, 10 Fig. 1 Compiled logarith- mic presentation of specific surface production against net energy input. 1 10 100 • …
On the basis of Kick's, Rittinger's and Bond's theories, this paper shows that the three traditional expressions based on these theories are generally stated as follows: dE=-Cdx/x 4−D s, where E is energy input, C is a costant, x is the particle size, and D s is the fractal dimension of a rock-fractured particle surface; and that three expressions may be derived as special cases of this ...
– Rittinger's law is applicable mainly to that part of the process where new surface is being created and holds most accurately for fine grinding where the increase in surface per unit mass of material is large. – Kick's law, more closely relates to the energy required to effect elastic deformation before fracture occurs, and is more ...
• Comminution is accomplished by a sequence of crushing and grinding processes. ... • Rittinger's law ... where, E is the energy input, is the product particle size, is the feed particle size and K is a constant. • The law applies in the range 10-1000 m i.e. fine grain range • Kick's Law (1885) ...
home; rittinger law specific grinding; rittinger law specific grinding. Rittinger Law Specific Grinding Mc Machinery Unit Operations in Food Processing R L Earle 20190224 Equation 113 is known as Rittingers Law As the specific surface of a particle the surface area per unit mass is proportional to 1L eqn 113 postulates that the energy required to reduce L for a mass of particles from 10 cm to ...
Investigators using Rittinger's law have found that crushing efficiencies are generally extremely low. Some data of Martin who crushed quartz in an 18 x 18-in. tube ball mill using 1-in. diam balls are shown in Table I. In addition to comminution there is a second grinding process practiced on a wide industrial scale.
Assume that Rittinger'slaw is applicable. •It is desired to crush 10 ton/hr of iron ore hematite. The size of the feed is such that 80% passes a 72.6 mm screen, and 80% of product a 3.175mm screen. Calculate the gross power requirement for wet grinding and dry grinding. Work index of …
Size reduction is applied to all the ways in which solids are cut or broken into smaller pieces. Energy consumed in crushing is determined by three laws: Kick's law, Rittenger's law and Bond's law. Energy required to affect a small change "dL" in the size of the unit …
Rittinger's law states that the energy required for fracture, E F, is proportional to the new surface produced: E F =C R (S f –S i ), where S i and S f are the initial and final ...
• Grinding of coarse particles in which the increase in surface area per unit mass is relatively small, Kick's Law is a reasonable approximation • Rittinger's law – States that the energy required for size reduction is proportional to the change in surface area of the pieces of food • …
Hydrometallurgists must regret to see Rittinger's law disproved, for surface exposed is, in general, a measure of the accessibility of solutions to ore; and this rule also ceases to approximate the truth only when the finest sizes are reached. If the premises are sound the author has evidently proved the case for Stadler's Energy Units.
grinding in which there is a relatively small increase in surface area per unit mass. Rittinger's law gives better results with fine grinding where there is a much larger increase in surface area and Bond's law is intermediate between these two. However, equations (4.2) and (4.3) were developed from studies of hard materials (coal and ...
Rittinger's Law states that the energy required in size reduction is proportional to the new surface created by the particle fragmentation. The equation for Rittinger's Law can be written as: E = K R f c (1/L 2 – 1/L 1) Where: E=Energy, K R =Rittinger's Constant, f c =crushing strength of the material, L 1 =initial length, and L 2 ...
Rittinger's law is more appropriate to fine grinding the size reduction of fine powders, in which large areas of new surface are being created, Rittinger's Law fits the experimental data better Bond crushing law(1952) and work index (intermediate relationship with P = -3/2 = -1.5) The work required to form particles of size Dp
Rittinger's theory is the law of the cracks. It is well explained in an article by E. A. Hersam in the Mining and Scientific Press, an abstract of which is given in the third volume of Richard's Ore Dressing, and to which I acknowledge my indebtedness for some of my ideas and,methods. The mathematics of this theory follow:
Laws Of Crushing And Grinding Cambodia. Rittinger law specific grinding hang-on. crushing and grinding - minerals - group. our high capacity crushing and grinding equipment is designed to process a wide range of appliions from primary, secondary, and tertiary hard rock crushing to mixed.
It appears fairly safe to say, however, that coarse grinding will approximate more closely to Kick's law and fine grinding more nearly to Rittinger's law. The extent to which the design of a mill, and the physical dimensions of the crushing elements influence the crushing characteristics of a given material is uncertain.
Determination of energy required in size reduction is generally done using either Kick's law or Rittinger's law. Kicks's law is used for coarse grinding when the size ratio of original material to end materials is 8:1. Bond's law and Retinger's law are used for intermediate and fine grinding respectively, where ratios approach or ...
Grinding takes place in more "open" space which makes the retention time longer and adjustable compared to crushers. Theoretical size reduction and power ranges for different grinding mills [image: (135-6-1)] AG/SAG Mills Autogenous Grinding (AG) Mill. Wet or dry; Primary, coarse grinding (up to 400 mm feed size) Grinding media is grinding feed
However,equations Rittinger's law and Bond's law were developed from studies of hard materials (coal and limestone) and deviation from predicted results is likely with many foods. 15. Basic parts of mill • Feed chute/hopper, which delivers the material. • Grinding mechanism usually consisting of a rotor and stator.
Application: Rittinger's law gives better results with fine grinding where there is a much greater increase in surface area 2.5.3 Bond's Law This law states that energy used for size ...
Food Processing Unit Operations Mcqs Which of the law is used for fine grinding? Rittinger's Law . Kick's Law . Bond's Law Bond's Law, Rittinger's Law, and Kick's Law ANSWER & EXPLANATION. RELATED MCQ ON FOOD PROCESSING UNIT OPERATIONS MCQS ...
rittinger law of grindingriver aggregates jaw crusher. Rittinger Law Specific Wet Ball Mill. Rittinger Law Specific Grinding Mc Machinery Unit Operations in Food Processing R L Earle 20190224 Equation 113 is known as Rittingers Law As the specific surface of a particle the surface area per unit mass is proportional to 1L eqn 113 postulates that the energy required to reduce L for a mass of ...
Rittinger's law is E cc fresh surface area produced (2) It is clear that if we started with particles all of size x and performed any kind of breakage, differential or not, the fresh surface produced must include that of all mass, notjust the major pieces remaining.
GRINDING LAWS The three laws of Rittinger, Kick and Bond can all be derived from the follow- ing relationship, proposed by Charles (1957), between energy consumed and mate- rial size C.51 : &=-kg Yn Setting the exponent n to 1, 11 or 2 upon integration defines the …
The force applied is limited because new particles are released following Rittinger's Law (energy required is proportional to increase in surface area). ... In grinding equipment, the dominant method of stress application is governed by the equipment design. ... Sometimes we want to avoid these modes of external stress — specifically to ...
Equation (6.7) is known as 'Rittinger's law'. Due to the inaccuracy of the assumptions on which it is based and the difficulty in determining its parameters, Rittinger's law is only approximate. A different expression for energy requirement of size reduction has been proposed by Kick.
The grinding theories, also called hypotheses or laws, are known by the surnames of their authors, such as: Rittinger, Kick [37,38,39], Bond [40,41,42] and Charles [43,44,45]. The theory of Rittinger assumes that the energy introduced in the process of grinding once is proportional to the increase in the surface resulting from the formation of ...